Monday, July 31, 2017

Grandpuppy Overnighter

Ang and fam had a get together in Duluth on Friday so Hugo got to come out to the farm. He's a city dog so he had a bit of a learning curve. He's a very calm and sweet dog, the polar opposite of Cooper.

P.S. We tied

Tuesday, July 18, 2017

Blooming Hydrangea

Since my peony never did bloom I'm even more excited to see the Hydrangea in full bloom. I took this picture a couple days ago and the blooms were even bigger today!

Frank and Frank-o got the retaining wall done around the new back patio too. Things are happening around here! We had cord wood delivered this past week so when cooler weather comes that will be cut up and split and stacked. We considered going to a gas boiler this year but decided to keep on with the wood boiler for another year. As long as I don't get laid up it works out fine. I figure it's good exercise in the winter.

It was sure a hot one today. Humid, too. Very difficult on Frank when it's like that so, he had Frank-o take the "day off" and will bring him out tomorrow. If it's still hot they will organize in the shop where it's cool. There's plenty to do in there too.

P.S. Guys vs. Gals = tie

Saturday, July 8, 2017

Summer is in full swing

Town is crazy there are tourists everywhere. I never understood why they come "up north" but all congregate at Walmart and the grocery stores. If I didn't live here I would be at a lake, enjoying myself but that's just me.

It's been hot as a pistol the past week or so. And humid. You can almost hear the corn growing but we have been taking it slow. This type of weather is so hard on Frank.

The flowering shrubs seem to like it though. We spend a lot of time indoors but make sure to get out morning and evening. I'm gone at work during the day anyway so it doesn't much matter if it's hot outside.

The farm shares are getting better all along. This week we got Eggplant, Fennel, peppers, cukes, zucchini, carrots, radishes, and of course lettuce. I'll be honest, the bunnies get to share because we just don't eat THAT much lettuce. I have been busy drying the fresh herbs and freezing what we can't eat in a week. The CSA guy says the tomatoes are starting to turn so maybe they'll be ready next week.

P.S. They won last week but we did this week :)