Tuesday, October 31, 2017

All Hallows Eve

"A grandmother pretends she doesn't know who you are on Halloween"
 = Erma Bombeck

The candy is all bagged up and ready for our little goblins. We don't get trick or treaters out here in the boonies but the Grandkids need to have their sweeties. And their Mom and Dad get some too :)

We have eye doctor appointments this afternoon. I am SO ready to get some glasses that just do the job. I have been wearing reading glasses on and off for 15 years now and it's getting to where it's mostly on but I know it's hurting my eyes too. A couple three years ago I did get some but they were trifocals and the only thing they are good for is distance vision. I hope this time it's a better fix.

Hope today the weather is nicer for the kids so they don't have to cover up their costumes with winter gear! It's not as windy so far so that would even help.

More pictures of the kiddo's to follow....

Milo and Rowan

Grandkids and friends

P.S. They won.


  1. Hope you get the glasses you need. Fun Halloween costumes.

  2. Me too, they are on order. Had a fancy new machine to test for glaucoma or any eye "issues". My eye health is good.


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